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  • 产品型号:双面间隔片


The Single Edge format allows two Slide V’s to be mounted wide apart, thus providing a considerable increase in moment load capacity, stiffness and stability. The space between the two Slides can be made sufficient to allow central positioning of the drive, whether by means of ball screw, air cylinder or other type of actuator.
Single Edge Spacer Slides are available with a rack cut into the back face, providing a convenient means of driving. Rack teeth are machined to a high degree of precision and conform to ISO 1328 grade 8. The large face width of the racks makes these the best choice for applications which require high driving forces (see drive Calculations). Pinions which suit the Racks are also available. Shaft type pinions can be coupled directly to the UBM Geared Motor or Gearbox, which can be mounted using the Drive Flange to the customer’s own carriage plate.
Although not hardened, the rear face of the Slide is sufficiently durable to act as track for UBM Track Rollers.

Part Use With Bearings*4 A B C & D*1,2 E F G H H1 J K L Max*1,3
Number ~Slide Width 0.2
Standard Slimline P1 & P2 P3 Slide only with rack P1 P2 & P3 P1 P2 & P3 P1 & P2 P3 P1 & P2 P3
NMS 12... ...J13... 12 12.37 13.25 20.5 45 3 3.2 6.2 6.4 4 1.8 8.5 8.9 1.7 1976 1976
NV 20... ...J18... ...J195... 20 20.37 21.01 43 15 90 4.21 4.42 8 8.2 5 2 12 12.4 1.75 4020 4020
NV 28... ...J18... ...J195... 28 28.37 29.01 43 15 90 4.21 4.42 8 8.2 6 2.5 20 20.4 1.75 4020 4020
NS 25... ...J25... ...J265... 25 25.74 26.58 43 15 90 4.71 4.93 10 10.2 6 2.5 15 15.4 2.6 4020 4020
NS 35... ...J25... ...J265... 35 35.74 36.38 43 15 90 4.71 4.93 10 10.2 8 3 25 25.4 2.6 4020 4020
NS 50... ...J25... ...J265... 50 50.74 51.38 43 15 90 4.71 4.93 10 10.2 10 3.5 40 40.4 2.6 4020 4020
NM 44... ...J34... ...J360... 44 44.74 45.58 43 15 90 6.21 6.42 12.5 12.7 8 3 26 26.4 2.3 4020 6000
NM 60... ...J34... ...J360... 60 60.74 61.38 43 15 90 6.21 6.42 12.5 12.7 10 3.5 42 42.4 2.3 4020 6000
NM 76... ...J34... ...J360... 76 76.74 77.38 43 15 90 6.21 6.42 12.5 12.7 12 4 58 58.4 2.3 4020 6000
NL 76... ...J54... ...J580... 76 76.74 77.58 88 30 180 9.21 9.43 19.5 19.7 15 5 50 50.4 4.8 4020 6000
NL 120... ...J54... ...J580... 120 120.74 121.38 88 30 180 9.21 9.43 19.5 19.7 45 9.5 94 94.4 4.8 4020 6000
M M1 N N1 P P1*7 Q R S T U V W Dowel X Y Z Z1 Weight - kg/m Part
Screw Part No. Mod Pin K6 m6 Slide Only Slide + Rack Number
3.5 6.2 x 3.1 M3 SDP4 4 4 6.75 0.5 NMS 12...
4.5 8 x 4.1 4.5 7.6 x 2.9 M4 M4 x 20 FS420 4 6.35 6.35 6.2 4 5.65 0.7 SDP5 4 5 6 1.75 1 1.4 NV 20...
5.5 10 x 5.1 4.5 7.6 x 2.9 M5 M4 x 20 FS420 4 6.35 6.35 6.2 4 5.65 0.7 SDP6 4 6 6 2.25 1.6 2 NV 28...
5.5 10 x 5.1 5.5 9.6 x 4 M5 M5 x 25 FS525 5 7.8 7.85 8.5 6 6.85 1 SDP6 4 6 6 2.25 1.5 2.3 NS 25...
7 11 x 6.1 5.5 9.6 x 4 M6 M5 x 25 FS525 5 7.8 7.85 8.5 6 6.85 1 SDP8 6 8 8 2.75 2.3 3 NS 35...
7 11 x 6.1 5.5 9.6 x 4 M6 M5 x 25 FS525 5 7.8 7.85 8.5 6 6.85 1 SDP10 8 10 12 3.25 3.2 4 NS 50...
7 11 x 6.1 6.5 11 x 4.5 M6 M6 x 30 FS630 6 8.3 11.7 10.8 7.5 10.2 1.5 SDP8 6 8 8 2.75 3.5 4.7 NM 44...
9 15 x 8.1 6.5 11 x 4.5 M8 M6 x 30 FS630 6 8.3 11.7 10.8 7.5 10.2 1.5 SDP10 8 10 12 3.25 5.5 5.7 NM 60...
9 15 x 8.1 6.5 11 x 4.5 M8 M6 x 30 FS630 6 8.3 11.7 10.8 7.5 10.2 1.5 SDP12 10 12 15 3.75 7 8.2 NM 76...
14 20 x 12 14 20 x 8 M12 M12 x 50 FS1250 8 13.2 18.6 18 13.3 16.6 2 SDP15 10 15 15 4.75 10 13 NL 76...
11 18 x 10 11 18 x 10 M10 8 13.2 18.6 18 13.3 16.6 2 15 18 NL 120...